Common Respiratory Disease Details
Common Respiratory Disease. Mobile Phone Number 01797522136, 01987073965. Common Respiratory Diseases are Common cold, Influenza, Acute Laryngeal Obstruction, Acute bronchitis, COPD, Bronchial Asthma, Respiratory failure, Pneumonia,
Bronchiectasis, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Pleural effusion, Pneumothorax, Hemothorax, etc. For details about common respiratory diseases, some courses are available at HRTD Medical Institute. These courses are Paramedical, Diploma Medical Assistant, Diploma in Medicine and Surgery, Diploma in Medicine and Diploma in Surgery.
1. What are the common respiratory diseases?
Common Respiratory Diseases are:
- Common cold
- Influenza
- Acute Laryngeal Obstruction
- Acute Bronchitis
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Bronchial Asthma
- Respiratory Failure
- Pneumonia –
- Acute Lobar Pneumonia (Pneumococcal Pneumonia)
- Suppurative Pneumonia
- Bronchiectasis
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Primary Tuberculosis
- Post Primary Tuberculosis
- Pleural Effusion
- Spontaneous Pneumothorax
- Pulmonary Aspiration Syndrome
2. Common Cold কি? Common Cold এর কারন, লক্ষন, চিকিৎসা উল্লেখ কর।
Common cold is the most common respiratory disease. Common cold হচ্ছে upper respiratory tract এর একটি viral বা bacterial disease যার লক্ষনগুলি হচ্ছে মাথা ব্যাথা, নাক বন্ধ হওয়া, নাক দিয়ে পানি বা plurent বের হওয়া ইত্যাদি।
Causes of common cold
- Viral infection – (Rhinovirus, adenovirus, echovirus, syncytial virus. Rhinoviruses are the most common.)
- Bacterial infection – (Purulent nasal discharge থাকবে)
Common cold এর লক্ষনসমূহ
- নাক দিয়ে পানি বা পুঁজের মত বের হওয়া।
- নাকের ভিতর জ্বালা যন্ত্রনা করা।
- মাথা ব্যাথা ও শরীর ম্যাজ ম্যাজ করা।
Treatment of common cold
- Tab. Paracetamol
- Tab. Azithromycin
- Tab. Azithromycin (Bacterial infection থাকলে)
- Nasal drop Antazole
- Tab. Vitamin – C
3. Influenza কি? Influenza এর কারন, লক্ষন ও চিকিৎসা উল্লেখ কর।
Influenza is a common respiratory disease. Influenza হচ্ছে একটি viral disease যা Myxovirus দ্বারা infection এর ফলে হয়ে থাকে এবং যার লক্ষনগুলি হচ্ছে হঠাৎ গা ম্যাজ ম্যাজ এবং ব্যাথা, জ্বর, শীত শীত অনুভূতি ও দেহের অনৈচ্ছিক কম্পন।
Cause of influenza: Viral infection (Myxoviruses)
Clinical features of influenza
- হঠাৎ গা ম্যাজ ম্যাজ করা ও মাথা ব্যাথা
- Fever up to 104° F
- শীত শীত অনুভূতি ও আক্ষেপমূলক শরীর কম্পন (chill)
- সমস্ত শরীর ব্যাথা
- Anorexia, Nausea, Vomiting
- Dry cough with harshness
Treatment of influenza
- Complete bed rest
- Tab. Paracetamol
- Tab. Antihistamine (to reduce irritation, sneezing and secretion)
- Nasal drop Xylometazoline (nasal congestion থাকলে)
- Sore throat থাকলে warm saline gurgling
4. Acute Laryngeal Obstruction (ALO) কি? ALO এর কারন, লক্ষন ও চিকিৎসা উল্লেখ কর।
Acute Laryngeal Obstruction হচ্ছে একটি life threatening emergency condition। যদি total obstruction ঘটে তবে ৩ মিনিটের মধ্যে রোগী মারা যেতে পারে।
Causes of ALO
A) Traumatic causes –
- Strangulation (শ্বাসরুদ্ধ)
- Laceration (ছেদ, খন্ড বিখন্ড)
- Foreign body inhalation
- Burn (পুড়ে যাওয়া)
- Irritant gases
B) Inflammatory causes –
- Acute epiglottitis
- Laringo trachio bronchitis
- Diphthesis
- Angioneurotic edema
- Tumors
Treatment of ALO
- Better air way সুনিশ্চত করা
- Oxygen দিতে হবে
- Tracheostomy-যদি cyanosis এবং pulse rate বৃদ্ধি পায়
- Hydrocortisone and Adrenaline (in angioneurotic edema or post-radiotherapy edema)
5. Acute bronchitis কি? Acute bronchitis এর কারন, লক্ষন ও চিকিৎসা উল্লেখ কর।
Acute Bronchitis is a Respiratory Disease. Bronchus এ inflammation হলে তাকে bronchitis বা acute bronchitis বলে।
Causes of acute bronchitis
- Viral infection (Influenza virus A and B, Para influenza virus, Respiratory syncytial virus, Adenovirus, Rhinovirus)
- Bacterial infection (streptococcus pneumonae, H influenza)
Clinical features of acute bronchitis
- Irritating unproductive cough
- Mucoid or mucopurulent sputum, occasionally with streaks of blood.
- Chest tightness
- Wheezing respiration with dyspnoea
- Fever up to 103°F, কিন্তু সবসময় fever থাকে না
- Occasionally cyanosis
- Neutrophil Leukocytosis in blood
- Sputum for gm. Staining and culture may be Positive
- X-ray chest (to exclude other disease)
Treatment of acute bronchitis
- Azithromycin
- Paracetamol (জ্বর থাকলে)
- Desloratadine
- Bronchodilator (airway obstruction)
- Expectorant
- O2 inhalation (in emergency)
6. COPD কি? COPD এর কারন, লক্ষন, ও চিকিৎসা উল্লেখ কর।
COPD is a Respiratory Disease. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease কে সংক্ষেপে COPD বলে।COPD is a chronic, slowly progressive pulmonary obstructive disorder, characterized by airflow obstruction which doesn’t change markedly over several months and may be partially reversible by bronchodilator therapy
COPD includes –
- Chronic bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Some cases of chronic asthma
Causes of COPD
- Cigarette smoking (most important cause)
- Dusty or air-polluted environment
- Alpha antitrypsin deficiency (cause of emphysema)
Clinical features of COPD
- A long history of suffering
- History of cigarette smoking
- History of living in a dusty or air-polluted environment
- Presenting features are s –
- Chronic cough with sputum (chronic bronchitis)
- Dyspnoea (in emphysema)
Treatment of COPD
- Bronchodilator therapy
- Corticosteroid therapy
- Azithromycin (infection থাকলে)
- Cough suppressant or sputum liquefier
7. Mention the investigation of COPD and describe it shortly.
investigation of COPD:
- Chest X-Ray
- Blood hematocrit
- Sputum for gm stain and C/S
- Echocardiogram
- Alpha- Antitrypsin
- Pulmonary function test
- Chest X-Ray -Usually normal But in typical case-Over inflation of lungs with low, flattened diaphragm.
- Blood hematocrit- Hemoglobin level and PCV usually elevated to secondary polycythemia
- Sputum for gm stain and C/S – Bacterial infection
- Echocardiogram-May be done to assess cardiac function
- ECG-Finding may correlate with cardiac changes
- Alpha-Antitrypsin ( in case of emphysema) normal range 2-4 gL-1
- Pulmonary function test finding of airflow limitation
8.Chronic bronchitis কি? Chronic bronchitis এর কারন, লক্ষন, ও চিকিৎসা উল্লেখ কর।
Chronic bronchitis is a Respiratory Disease. Chronic bronchitis হচ্ছে এক ধরনের COPD বা chronic obstructive disease. (এতে দুই বৎসরের বেশী কাল থেকে পরপর তিন মাসের অধিকাংশ দিনগুলিতে কাশির সাথে অতিরিক্ত sputum বের হতে থাকে)
Causes of Chronic Bronchitis
- Cigarette smoking
- Dusty or air-polluted environment
Clinical features of chronic bronchitis
- A long history of suffering
- History of cigarette smoking
- History of living in a dusty or air-polluted environment
- Presenting features are-chronic cough with sputum
Treatment of chronic bronchitis
- Bronchodilator therapy
- Corticosteroid therapy
- Azithromycin (Infection থাকলে)
- Cough suppressant of sputum liquefier
9. Pulmonary emphysema কি? Pulmonary emphysema এর কারন, লক্ষন ও চিকিৎসা উল্লেখ কর।
According to the American Thoracic Society, emphysema can be defined as “abnormal permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles with destruction of their walls and without obvious fibrosis.”
Clinical features of pulmonary emphysema
- Long history suffering
- History of cigarette smoking in most cases
- Chronic cough with sputum production and dyspnoea
- Rhonchi and prolonged expiration
Treatment of pulmonary emphysema
- Antibiotic Cefuroxime + Clavulanic acid or Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid
- Bronchodilator
- Corticosteroid
- Physiotherapy
Adv. Bronchial irritation must be reduced.
eg. By avoiding smoking, dusty and air polluted environment.
10. Bronchial Asthma কি? Bronchial Asthma এর কারন এবং precipitating factor গুলি কি কি?
Bronchial Asthma is a Respiratory Disease. Paroxysms (sudden recurrent attack) of breathlessness, chest tightness, and wheezing resulting from narrowing of the airways by a combination of (i) muscle spasm (ii) mucosal swelling, and (iii) viscid bronchial secretion – is called bronchial asthma.
Causes of bronchial asthma
- Family history
- Allergic history
- Reading form Ig E antibiotics against the allergen
- Depletion of prostaglandin
- unknown cause
Precipitating factors of bronchial asthma
- Bronchial irritation by smoke, dust, or air pollution
- cold air and exercise
- Dietary allergens
- Bacterial infection in the respiratory system
- Drugs
- Emotion
- Occupational hazards
- Menstruation
11.Mention the clinical features and investigation of bronchial asthma.
Clinical features and investigation of bronchial asthma
- হঠাৎ শ্বাসকষ্ট, অস্থিরতা, Chest tightness wheezing
- Dry cough or cough with sputum
- May have history of previous asthmatic attack
- Prominent supraclavical fossa
- Widening and deepening of inter coastal spaces
- Hyper resonant on percussion
Investigation of Bronchial asthma
- X-Ray chest (Hyper inflated lungs in acute attack with pegion chest deformity in lateral view)
- Pulmonary function test (Evidence of airflow limitation)
- Therapeutic test (Patient response quickly with bronchodilators)
- Skin sensitivity test (may be positive for specific antigen)
12.Describe in short the clinical types of bronchial asthma
There are three types of Bronchial asthma
- Episodic asthma – হঠাৎ শ্বাসকষ্ট (chiefly expiratory) সাথে wheezing cough যা প্রথমে unproductive পরবর্তীতে productive no bronchi.
- Chronic asthma- হঠাৎ শ্বাসকষ্ট (chiefly expiratory) সাথে cough, mucoid sputum and recurrent attack of RTI is common attack এর সময় (in between attack) সামান্য rhonchi.
- Severe acute asthma (Status asthmaticus)-Life threating attacks of asthma যার বৈশিষ্ট হচ্ছে respiratory distress and arterial hypoxaemia যা usual bronchodilator এ response করে না।
13.Mention the treatment of chronic persistent asthma
Step by step treatment of chronic persistent asthma
- i) Step-Occasional symptoms less frequently than daily
- Treatment-Short acting bronchodilator salbutamol Inh. 3 times each week
- ii)Step-Daily symptoms
- Regular salbutamol Inh.+ Beclomethasone 800 micro gm twice daily.
- iii)Step-Severe symptoms
- Regular salbutamol Inh.+High dose corticosteroid (Beclomethasone) 800-2000 Micro gm daily
- iv)Step-Severe symptoms uncontrolled with high dose inhaled cortcosteroid
- Regular salbutamol Inh.+high dose corticosteroid Inh.+ Trial of the following:
- Long acting bronchodilator Inh. Salmeterol 2puffs twice daily.
- Sustained release theophylline initially 200 mg orally 12 hourly then200-600 mg orally 8-12 hourly
- Ipratropium Inh. 2-4 puffs 6 hourly
- Sodium cromoglycate 2-4 puffs 6 hourly
- Regular salbutamol Inh.+high dose corticosteroid Inh.+ Trial of the following:
- v)Step-Severe symptoms with deterioretion
- Continious of step + prednisolone oral lowest single dose (40 mg/day) necessary to control symptoms
- vi)Step-Severe symptoms deteeriorating inspite of prednisolone
- Hospitalization
14.Mention the accessory management (treatment) of chronic persistent asthma.
Accessory management (treatment) of chronic persistent asthma
- Complete bed rest
- O2 Inhalation if required
- Antibiotics (to prevent secondary infection)
- Precipitating factors should be avoided
- Breathing exercise may be helpful
- Exercise include asthma (common in atopic children with episodic asthma)- Regular inhalation of sodium chromoglycate (4 weeks).
15.Mention the assessment of severe acute asthma
Assessment of severe acute asthma
- Pulse rate >120/min
- Pulsus paradoxus >10 mm/Hg
- Unable to speak in sentences
- Peak flow <50% of expected
16.Mention the life threatening feature of severe acute asthma
life threatening feature of severe acute asthma
- Can’t speak
- Central cyanosis
- Exhaustion, confusion ,conscious level
- Bradycardia
- Silent chest
- Unrecordable peak flow
17.Mention the prevention of COPD
COPD can be prevention by-
- Remove of primary cause. Such as- Cessation of smoking
- Early diagnosis and treatment. Such as-
- Early treatment of airway infections
- Vaccination against influenza and pneumococcal disease
18.Mention the treatment of acute severe asthma in hospital
- Full assessment including PEF or FEV1
- Arterial blood gas analysis
Initial Management
- Oxygen-High concentration and high rate
- IV access
- Corticosteroids oral hydrocortisone + prednisolone
- Nebulization – salbutamol or terbutaline
- Montilukast or Zafirlukast once daily
If satisfactory improvement
Doses of nebulization and oral steroid should be reduced.
If result is not satisfactory
Nebulization of Ipratropium + IV Aminophylline should be added.
19.Define respiratory failure. What are the causes of respiratory failure.
Respiratory dysfunction resulting in abnormalities of oxygenation or CO2 elimination severe enough to impair or threaten the function of vital organs. Arterial blood gas criteria for respiratory failure are arbitrarily established as a PO2 under 60 mm Hg and PCO2 over 50mg Hg.
Causes of respiratory failure– Pulmonary causes
- Bronchial asthma
- Chronic bronchitis or emphysema
- Pneumonia
- Congestive heart failure / Pulmonary edema
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome
- Pneumothorax
- Upper airway obstruction
- Laryngeal edema
- Pulmonary thromboembolism
- Fibrosing alveolitis
Non Pulmonary causes
- Narcotic or sedative overdose
- Botulism
- Poliomyelitis
- Spinal cord injury
- Stroke
- Myasthenia gravis
- Flail chest
- Guillain – barre syndrome
20.Mention the clinical feature and investigation of respiratory failure. Mention its treatment.
Clinical feature of respiratory failure
- Disturbance of consciousness
- Cyanosis
- Restlessness
- Heart rate, tachypnoea
- Early morning headache
- Papilloedema
- Asterixis
Investigation of respiratory failure
- Arterial blood gases and pH
- Chest X- ray
Treatment of respiratory failure
- Correction of hypoxaemia by the administration of O2 in high concentration by oro- nasal mask
- Mechanical ventilation of necessary
- Warming the body to improve peripheral circulation
- Treatment according to the cause
21.Define pneumonia. mention the types of pneumonia.
Pneumonia is an inflammatory process in the lung parenchyma, causes by various organisms, associated with lower respiratory tract infection and radiological signs.
Types of Pneumonia
- According to source of infection
- Primary pneumonia (usually community acquired)
- Secondary pneumonia (occurs when the host or the lungs are diseased or weakened)
- Acute bronchopneumonia
- Nosocomial pneumonia
- Pneumonia in the immunocompromised patient
- Aspiration pneumonia
- According to site of involvement
- Lobar pneumonia (20%)
- Lobular pneumonia (70%)
- Segmental pneumonia (10%)
- According to causative organism
- Bacterial
- Rickettsial
- Viral
- Parasitic
- Fungal
22.Define Acute Lobar Pneumonia (Pneumococcal Pneumonia). Mention its clinical feature.
Acute lobar pneumonia is characterized by homogenous consolidation of one or more lobe or segments of occurs most commonly in early and middle adult life. Highest incidence is in winter.
Clinical features of Acute lobar pneumonia
- Sudden onset with chill and rigor (ঠান্ডা ও কাঁপুনি) (there may have vomiting and convulsion in children)
- High continuous fever upto 105 ডিগ্রী F
- Pain in the chest commonly on the right side
- Painful cough, dry first then cough with tenacious sputum, often rustly colored, occasionally blood stained.
- Malaise, weakness, sometimes vomiting, headache, loss of appetite, aching pain in the body and limbs.
- The patent looks very ill with hurried respiration.
23.Mention the physical examination and investigation of acute lobar pneumonia.
Physical examination of acute lobar pneumonia
- Pulse- rapid
- Skin -hot and dry
- Face- fiushed
- Respiratory- shallow and painful
- Central cyanosis- may be oresent
- Movement of chest- reduced,
- Percussion- dull
Investigation of acute lobar pneumonia
- Blood count- shows marked leukocytosis
- Blood culture- positive in 25% case
- Sputum for gram stain- red cells, white cell and pneumonia
- X-ray chest
24.Mention the treatment of acute lobar pneumonia
Treatment of acute lobar pneumonia
- Inj. Ceftriaxone 2 gm once, daily dose (14 days) or tab. Azithromycin 500 mg once, daily (14 days)
- Tab. paracetamol 500 mg 1+1+1+1
- Full bed rest
- O2 inhalation for hypoxemic patient
- রোগীর অবস্থার উন্নতি না হতে থাকলে অথবা অবস্থা খারাপ থাকলে হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করতে হবে
25.Suppurative pneumonia কি? Suppurative pneumonia এর কারন, লক্ষন ও চিকিৎসা সংক্ষেপে উল্লেখ কর
পুজ উৎপাদনকারী pneumonia কে Suppurative pneumonia বলে।
Causes of Suppurative pneumonia
Infection in the lung parenchyma with multiple species of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria
Clinical features of Suppurative pneumonia
- Cough with large amount of sputum. ( Sputum may fetid or blood stained)
- Pleural pain is common
- High remittent pyrexia
- Finger clubbing may develop quickly
- Chest X-ray report -signs of consolidation
- Rapid deterioration of general health
Treatment of Suppurative pneumonia
- Antibiotic for aerobic infection -Tab. cefuroxime + Clavulenic acid
- Antibiotic for anaerobic infection – Tab. Metronidazole 400 mg 1+1+1
26.Bronchiectasis কি? Bronchiectasis এর কারন, লক্ষন ও চিকিৎসা সংক্ষেপে উল্লেখ কর
Chronic necrotizing infection for the bronchi and bronchioles leading to or associated with dilation of the above airways (bronchi and bronchioles).
Causes of Bronchiectasis
- Acquired
- Infective- Secondary to Measles, Whooping cough, Tuberculosis
- Obstructive-
- In the lumen- foreign body
- In the wall- bronchial carcinoma
- Outside the wall- enlarged lymph node due to TB, lymphoma
- Congenital-
- Cystic fibrosis (50%)
- Ciliary dysfunction syndrome
27.Mention the clinical feature and investigation of Bronchiectasis
Clinical feature of Bronchiectasis
- Chronic cough- usually worse in the morning
- Purulent sputum-copious and fetid
- Recurrent attack of fever, malaise, shivering and chest pain
- Hemoptysis
- General ill health
- Chest movement slightly reduced on affected side
Investigation of Bronchiectasis
- X-ray chest- honey comb appearance
- Bronchography
- AFB and gram staining of the sputum to exclude TB and other pathogenic bacteria
- Sputum for c/s
- Assessment of ciliary dysfunction
28.Mention the treatment of Bronchiectasis
Treatment of Bronchiectasis
- Antibiotic – Cefuroxime + Clavulenic acid or Amoxicillin + Clavulenic acid
- Bronchodilators- Salbutamol inhalation / Rotahalation / Tab.
- Stop smoking
- Postural drainage twice daily (to keep the dilated bronchi empty)
N.B- When there is uncontrolled hemoptysis and the disease dose not respond to conservative management.
29.Pulmonary tuberculosis কি? Pulmonary tuberculosis এর predisposing factor গুলি কি কি?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis নামক bacteria দ্বারা lungs এ infection হলে তাকে Pulmonary tuberculosis বলে।
Pulmonary tuberculosis এর predisposing factor গুলি
- Diabetes malnutrition and other devitalized conditions
- Poor sanitation, poor nutrition
- Alcohol or tobacco addiction
- Silicosis, Asbestosis etc
- Occupational risk factor- doctors and nurse
Types of Pulmonary tuberculosis
- Primary tuberculosis
- Miliary tuberculosis
- Post primary tuberculosis
30.Mention the clinical features and investigation of pulmonary tuberculosis
Clinical features of pulmonary tuberculosis
- Hemoptysis – in early stage blood stained sputum
- Pleuritic chest pain
- Low grade afternoon fever
- Sweating especially during night
- Loss of appetite, weakness, weight loss and lassitude
Investigation of pulmonary tuberculosis
- X-ray chest-hilar lymph node enlargement
- Tuberculin test- positive
- Bacteriological examination- sputum for AFB is positive
- Biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes
- Blood test- high ESR – lymphocytosis