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HRTD Medical Institute


Periodontology Details

Periodontology. Mobile Phone 01797522136, 01987073965. The study of periodontium is called periodontology. Periodontology is a branch of dental science.


Periodontology deals with the definition of the periodontium, parts of the periodontium, gingiva, parts of gingiva, healthy gingiva, diseased gingiva, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal pocket, gingival enlargement, management of gingival enlargement, etc. Periodontology is discussed in some dental courses like Diploma in Dental Assistant, Diploma in Dental Technology, and Diploma in Dental. All these dental courses are available at HRTD Medical Institute. Other Courses at HRTD Medical Institute are DMDS 4 Years, DMS 3 Years, DMA 2 Years, Paramedical 1 Year, Pharmacy Course 6 Months, etc.

1. What is periodontology?

The study of periodontium is called periodontology. It is the branch of dental science that deals with the health and disease of periodontium.

2. What is periodontium?

দাঁতের যে Supporting structure গুলো দাঁতকে socket ধরে রাখতে সাহায্য করে তাকে periodontium বলে।

3. What are the parts of periodontium?

  • Gingiva
  • Periodontal ligament
  • Cementum
  • Alveolar bone
Parts of periodontium

4. Parts of gingiva

  • Free gingiva
    • Marginal
    • Interdental
  • Attached gingiva
Parts of Gingiva

5. Write down the comparison between healthy and diseased gingiva

Features – Healthy gingiva – Diseased gingiva

  • Color – Coral Pink – Red/Reddish
  • Contour – Scalloped – Thick & rolled
  • Consistency – Firm – Swollen, Edema
  • Papilla – Normal – Enlarged
  • Salivation – Normal – Increased
  • BOP – Absent – Present
  • Depth of gingiva sulcus- 0.5-1.5mm – May or may not be present

6. What are the causes of Gingivitis?

  • Local Cause
    • Gingivitis
    • Periodontitis
    • Trauma by toothbrush/toothpick
  • Systemic Cause
    • Aplastic anemia (platelet count decreased)
    • Leukemia
    • Scurvy
    • Bleeding disorder
      • Hemophilia
      • Purpura
    • Liver diseases
    • Vitamin k deficiency

7. Treatment plan for gingivitis

  • Mild gingivitis + Oral hygiene instruction + Maintenance + Moderate gingivitis + OHI + Scaling + Polishing + Maintenance
  • Severe gingivitis + OHI + Scaling + Polishing + Maintenance
  • (যদি খুব বেশি ulceration হয় তাহলে metronidazole tab. দিতে হবে)

8. What is periodontitis?

Inflammation of periodontium is called periodontitis.

Management of periodontitis

  • Chronic marginal periodontitis oral hygiene instruction, Scaling, Polishing, Curetage, Maintenance
  • Chronic moderate periodontitis – Curetage, if the pocket depth is more than 4 mm then periosurgery maintenance
  • Chronic advance periodontitis
    • Curettage, periosurgery
    • For spacing – occlusal adjustment

9. Periodontal Pocket

A pathologically dependent gingival sulcus is called a periodontal pocket

Management of Periodontal Pocket

  • Scaling, Polishing, Root planning
  • Oral hygiene
  • If mobility is present then temporary immobilization

10.Gingival enlargement

If marginal and papillary gingiva go upward and the crown is covered by gingiva, this kind of problem is called gingival enlargement.

Causes of gingival enlargement

  • Acute & Chronic gingivitis
  • Drug-induced gingival enlargement ( Anticonvulsive drug, antihypertensive drug, oral contraceptive, anticancer drug)
  • Enlargement with systemic disease and condition –
    • Puberty, pregnancy, vitamin-C deficiency
    • Leukemia
  • Neoplastic enlargement
    • Benign
    • Malignant

Clinical features of gingival enlargement

  • Painless, non-inflammatory enlargement
  • Color changes from coral pink to bluish-red
  • Gingiva may cover the clinical crown

11. Gingiva recession

এটি একটি condition যখন marginal gingiva neck থেকে নিচের দিকে নামতে থাকে এবং root surface কে expose করে দেয়।

Clinical of gingival recession

  • Crowding and malposition of tooth
  • High frenal attachment
  • Poor lip seal (mouth breading)
  • Faulty tooth-brushing technique
  • Toothpaste
  • Nail itching
  • Crown, bridge, partial denture, orthodontic appliance
  • Untreated chronic gingivitis
  • Aging

Management of gingival recession

Identify the cause and treat it accordingly

  • In case of crowding and prodination
    • Treated by orthodontic treatment
  • Counseling and motivation for habits like lip pulling and itching by nails.
  • Use a soft toothbrush and dentifrices
  • Frenectomy for high frenum attachment

12. What is oral mucosa?

The soft tissue lining in the oral cavity is called oral mucosa

13. What are the changes in the oral cavity in oral age?

  • Thinning of mucosa
  • Depapillation of tongue
  • Decreased salivary secretion
  • Prone to candida infection

14. What are the causes of color changes in a tooth?

  • Betel nut chewing
  • Smoking
  • Food and drink
  • Metabolic disorder
  • Congenital
  • Acquired (Tetracycline & some other drug staining)

15. What are the changes in teeth with age?

  • Wearing of tooth tissue
  • Gingival recession
  • Reduced enamel thickness
  • Staining of tooth
  • Pulp calcification

Facilities of Periodontal and other Dental Courses in HRTD Medical Institute

Facilities of HRTD Medical Institute. HRTD Medical Institute provides some dental courses that are Dental Training Course, Diploma in Dental Asssitant, Diploma in Dental Technology, and Diploma in Dental. First Aid and Emergency Paramedical and Medical Assistant Courses are Paramedical 1 Year, Paramedical 2 Years, Paramedical 3 Years, Diploma Medical Assistant 1 Year, Diploma Medical Assistant 2 Years, Diploma Medical Assistant 3 Years, DMS Course 1 Year, DMS Course 2 Years, DMS Course 3 Years, DMDS Course 4 Years.

Nursing Courses are 1 Year Nursing Course, 2 Years Nursing Course, 3 Years Nursing Course. Pathology Courses are 6 Months Pathology Training Course, 1 Year Pathology Training Course, 2 Years Diploma in Pathology Assistant, 3 Years Diploma in Pathological Technology. Physiotherapy Courses are Physiotherapy Training Course 1 Year, and Physiotherapy Diploma Course 4 Years.

HRTD Medical Institute

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