Saturday , September 28 2024


Practice of Medicine -2

Practice of Medicine -2 Details 1.Hypotension কি ? Hypotension এর কারন, লক্ষণ ও চিকিৎসা উল্লেখ কর Hypotension Blood pressure নরমালের চেয়ে কম হলে তাকে Hypotension বা Low blood pressure বলে । Hypotension এর কারন Dehydration ( পানি স্বল্বতা ) Blood loss ( রক্ত কমে যাওয়া ) Servers infection ( Septicemia …

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Practice of Medicine-3

Practice of Medicine 3 Details Practice of Medicine 3. Mobile Phone 01797522136, 01987073965. This subject includes Osteoporosis, Liver Cirrhosis, Prostatitis, GERD, H pylori infection, Infective Gastric Ulcer, Peptic Ulcer Disease, Hematemesis, Melena, Rota Viral Diarrhea, Define Chikungunia Fever, Malaria, Tetanus, Chlamydia Infection, Leishmaniasis (Kala Azar ) Leprosy, Whooping Cough, Hepatic …

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Pharmacology -2 Details Pharmacology-2. Mobile Phone Number 01797522136, 01987073965. The study of drugs and medicines is called Pharmacology. Pharmacology is a branch of medical science. Drugs are used for the production of medicine and Medicines are used for the diagnosis and treatment. So, Pharmacology is an important subject. We will …

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Ischemic Disease

Ischemic Disease Details Ischemic Disease. HRTD Medical Institute, Mirpur 10 Golchattar, Dhaka 1216.কোষে অক্সিজেনের অভাবে যে সকল রোগ হয় তাদেরকে Ischemic disease বলে । Ischemic disease may be occur in any organ of the body. Ischemic Diseases are Ischemic Heart Disease, Ischemic Brain Disease, Ischemic Skin Disease, etc. More details …

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Cardiovascular Drugs

Cardiovascular Drugs

Cardiovascular Drugs Details Cardiovascular Drugs. HRTD, Mirpur-10 Golchattar, Dhaka-1216. Cardiovascular Drugs are those that are used to treat Cardiovascular Diseases. Common Cardiovascular Drugs are Antihypertensive Drugs, Anti Angina & Anti Ischemic Drugs, Antiarrhythmic Drugs, Peripheral & Cerebral Vasodilator Drugs, Antiplatelet Drugs, Fibrinolytic Drugs, Antifibrinolytic & Hemostatic Drugs, Lipid-Lowering Drugs, and …

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First Aid-2

First Aid-2 Details First Aid-2. HRTD Medical Institute. Mobile 01797-522136, 01987-073965. First Aid-2 Discusses the first aid of Drowning, First Aid of Electric Shock, Classification of the wound, First Aid Open Wound, First Aid of closed wound, First Aid Box, Components of First Aid Box, Chemicals of First Aid Box, …

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Cardiovascular Anatomy & Physiology

Cardiovascular Anatomy & Physiology Details Cardiovascular Anatomy & Physiology. Mobile number 01797522136, 01987073965. Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology is the first subject of Cardiology. Anatomy discusses structure and physiology discusses functions. This subject describes the cardiac chamber, functions of cardiac chambers, the structure of cardiac valves, functions of cardiac valves, the …

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Cataract Eye

Cataract Eye

Cataract Eye Details Cataract Eye. Mobile Phone 01797-522136. Cataracts Eye is a common eye problem in aged people. It is the principal cause of blindness. There are some risk factors for cataract eye. For the prevention of Cataracts, we should be careful about the risk factors. To know details about …

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Orthopedic Anatomy

Orthopedic Anatomy Details Orthopedic Anatomy Mobile No. 01797-522136, 01987-073965. Orthopedic Anatomy is the basic subject of Orthopedics. Orthopedic Anatomy discusses the anatomy of bone, types of bones, anatomy of skeletal muscle, types of skeletal muscles, anatomy of tendons, types of tendons, anatomy of ligaments, types of ligaments, anatomy of bone …

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